

This method, developed by the American surgeon doctor Andrew Taylor Still, is based on the direct relation that the body systems have with eachother and, through diverse manual practices stimulate the musculoskeletal and visceral systems, promote the healing of several illness.



The health science that aims to attain the maximum functionality of body systems through study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of kinetic dysfunctions of organs and systems of the human body, such as traumatic injuries, post operative and others.

Kinesio 1

Kinesio 1

More than 100m2 of this salon are dedicated to rehabilitate and prepare to the physical activity. A Method mixed of strands as Pilates, Five Konzept, Functional Training, Weight Lifting and others aim to develop mobility, flexibility and motion equilibrium.

Kinesio 2

Kinesio 2

A salon focused on developing motion patterns, body conscience and continuity of global rehabilitation. The work here goes through a fusion of Aktionpaz method and a few distinguished others to adapt each individual’s limits and reach it’s specific performance peak.

3d Motion Analysis

3d Motion Analysis

A analysis method that allows to, through a complex imagetic 3D system, track precisely the motion patterns of each individual, identify specific injuries or orthopaedic deviations and apply it’s respective treatments



This strand of Traditional Chinese Medicine regulates the biochemical and physiological conditions of the human body. Through the direct skin stimulus of so called acupoints, the energetic meridians are treated to keep the natural flow of vital energy QI through the body.



Well known figures of human antiquity, they perform a fundamental role on human gestation, childbirth and postpartum. The guiding and emotional, physical and intellectual support provided to families involved on a child birth is decisively on enriching health and well being;



The term Massotherapy unites diverse oriental and ocidental therapeutic methods, divided basically in two main groups: energetic and physiologic. It acts as a healing technic tha prevent body disequilibrium and auxiliate the physical rehabilitation process.



This is the science that study the unique relation that each human being has with food, its nutritional properties and the processes through which the body ingest, absorb, transport, transform and eliminate these ingredients.



The psychological knowledge, a fruit of science, study human behaviour, mental processes and interactions with the physical and social environment. The aims: comprehension and resolution of problems in different levels of the being, the society and its well being.

Global Posture Re-education

Global Posture Re-education

The GPR is a physiotherapeutic method exclusive to each individual. The re-education of the muscles that firm the posture ends up in reorganizing the body sections and, by harmonizing it, corrects malfunctions of diverse natures as breathing, neurological and physical.



Multidisciplinary cience which studies the relation between man and its work environment, aims the safety, boost efficiency and productivity through enhancing the quality of human work.



Posturology, or Postural Osteopathy is a treatment to recalibrate sensorial captors, restoring neuromusculoskeletal equilibrium and optimize body homeostasis, avoiding abnormal contrary forces that disturb the structure and consequently the function.

Someto Emotional Reequilibrium

Someto Emotional Reequilibrium

It’s a body method based on neuroscience that aims integration between body and min through body conscience and sensory ways. By breaking paradigms we seek to bring togheter body and mind.



The esthetical body treatments aim to give better definition and look to the skin and the body shape by applying different practices and gadgets that act in various ways to diminish measures, fight cellulitis and flaccidity, as well as localized fat and to heal all disorders that compromise the silhouette.


Eddie "El Gato” Elguera

“Hello, this is Eddie “El Gato“ Elguera, I just got worked on Aktionpaz, and they did a great job from head to toe, working on the muscles, lighting things up and I feel great, thank you very much!”

Ronaldo Nunes - Client

“The search, I think tha ofrt all human being is happiness, and to be happy you got to be in harmony with body and soul.”

Adriano de Souza - ASP WSL SURF 2015 Champion

“4 years ago I set the goal to be a World Champion and Alison adopted my posture and qualities, complemented so much more and so it happened: I won the Surfing World Title thanks to the team, to all professionals of Aktionpaz, to be here is a great differential to me.”

Christian Hossoi - Skateboard Champion

“This is Christian Hosoi, at Aktionpaz, just had an amazing workout, rehabilitation, prevention with them here at the Red Bull Generation event. Every year never cease to amaze me how much they help me, how much when I get injuried, one year I got very injuried and they just brought me back to life. Today I just headed into competition, and when you’re in a contest you push your body to the limit and they really maintain me being able to go to the finals tomorrow so I encourage everybody to look them up, to look Alison up he is awesome, God Bless you.”

Pedro Barros - 6X Skateboard Champion

“Aktionpaz and Alison are great responsibles for me to be who I am now. Alison itself is the great responsible for all what is happening.”

Duane Peters

“I came in crying cause I fell of a roof… 4 days ago I couldn’t even skate, he’s got me skating. For any other professional it would take 6 weeks… The skateboarders are crazy people and he understands us. It’s beyond your comprehension Alison, you are number one.”