Personal guidance for the individual that desires an specific physical training, independently of place and time, preventing dysfunctions, optimizing performance and well being.
Organize, elaborate and periodize training sessions with equipment and accessories available, when and where needed.
Guidance and continuous present, or virtual supervision, by a team of osteopaths, physical educators, physiotherapists, doctors, psychologists and nutritionists.
You, Businessman who wishes to implement a physical training to your team, you’ll have all attention needed of our specialists to develop a strict methodology that your collaborators need in their workspace to boost ergonomy, wellbeing and performance.
United States, France, Portugal, Australia, South Africa, Sweden, China. Through a almost 20 years career, Alison Paz and his team have visited 5 continents monitoring athletes in competitions, highlighted here be events such as the ASP World Tour, WSL Championship Tour, Super Surf, Ironman, Vans Park Series, Red Bull Skate Generation, and X-Games.
“Hello, this is Eddie “El Gato“ Elguera, I just got worked on Aktionpaz, and they did a great job from head to toe, working on the muscles, lighting things up and I feel great, thank you very much!”
“Aktionpaz and Alison are great responsibles for me to be who I am now. Alison itself is the great responsible for all what is happening.”
“This is Christian Hosoi, at Aktionpaz, just had an amazing workout, rehabilitation, prevention with them here at the Red Bull Generation event. Every year never cease to amaze me how much they help me, how much when I get injuried, one year I got very injuried and they just brought me back to life. Today I just headed into competition, and when you’re in a contest you push your body to the limit and they really maintain me being able to go to the finals tomorrow so I encourage everybody to look them up, to look Alison up he is awesome, God Bless you.”
“The search, I think tha ofrt all human being is happiness, and to be happy you got to be in harmony with body and soul.”
“I came in crying cause I fell of a roof… 4 days ago I couldn’t even skate, he’s got me skating. For any other professional it would take 6 weeks… The skateboarders are crazy people and he understands us. It’s beyond your comprehension Alison, you are number one.”
“4 years ago I set the goal to be a World Champion and Alison adopted my posture and qualities, complemented so much more and so it happened: I won the Surfing World Title thanks to the team, to all professionals of Aktionpaz, to be here is a great differential to me.”